# LIKE: flexible searching

Using LIKE instead of WHERE we can perform flexible searching.

For example, we might search for people with a surname like 'Do%', and that would match Dot, Doyle, or Douglas.

The percent symbol, %, means here "any character, any length".

Let's say we have this table, users:

first_name surname
John Doyle
Bob Smith
Jen Dot
Sam Douglas

Here's how to use LIKE:

WHERE surname LIKE 'Do%';

You would get back:

first_name surname
John Doyle
Jen Dot
Sam Douglas

# Matching single characters

If you wanted to match only against "Dot", you can use the underscore character, _.

By doing this:

WHERE surname LIKE 'Do_';

Only people with three-letter surnames starting with 'Do' would match:

first_name surname
Jen Dot

# Matching within text

You can use the percent symbol and the underscore anywhere within text, and not only at the end. These are perfectly valid:

  • %th to match text ending with 'th'.
  • Do__s to match text starting with 'Do', ending with 's', and with two characters in between.
  • Bo%b to match text starting with 'Bo', ending with 'b' ,and with any number of characters in between.

# Adding searching to our app

We can add searching for movies to our app!

First of all, we'd write the query in database.py:

SEARCH_MOVIE = """SELECT * FROM movies WHERE title LIKE ?;"""

This query will allow us to pass in any search term, such as "%Mat%", and it will return rows that contain that string in the movie title. For example, The Matrix.

We should create a function that allows us to use that query as well. In it, we'll accept a search term and we'll add the % at the start and the end:

def search_movies(search_term):
    with connection:
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute(SEARCH_MOVIE, (f"%{search_term}%",))
        return cursor.fetchall()

Then we can make use of it in app.py!

First, let's modify the user menu:

menu = """Please select one of the following options:
1) Add new movie.
2) View upcoming movies.
3) View all movies
4) Add watched movie
5) View watched movies.
6) Add user to the app.
7) Search for a movie.
8) Exit.

Your selection: """

Then we'll need to modify the main loop. At the moment it looks like this:

while (user_input := input(menu)) != "7":
    if user_input == "1":
    elif user_input == "2":
        movies = database.get_movies(upcoming=True)
        print_movie_list("Upcoming", movies)
    elif user_input == "3":
        movies = database.get_movies()
        print_movie_list("All", movies)
    elif user_input == "4":
    elif user_input == "5":
        movies = prompt_get_watched_movies()
        if movies:
            print_movie_list("Watched", movies)
            print("That user has watched no movies yet!")
    elif user_input == "6":
        print("Invalid input, please try again!")

We can add another branch (make sure to change the exit condition of the loop as well!):



while (user_input := input(menu)) != "8":
    if user_input == "1":
    elif user_input == "2":
        movies = database.get_movies(upcoming=True)
        print_movie_list("Upcoming", movies)
    elif user_input == "3":
        movies = database.get_movies()
        print_movie_list("All", movies)
    elif user_input == "4":
    elif user_input == "5":
        movies = prompt_get_watched_movies()
        if movies:
            print_movie_list("Watched", movies)
            print("That user has watched no movies yet!")
    elif user_input == "6":
    elif user_input == "7":
        movies = prompt_search_movies()
        if movies:
            print_movie_list("Movies found", movies)
            print("Found no movies for that search term!")
        print("Invalid input, please try again!")

And of course, define the prompt_search_movies() function:

def prompt_search_movies():
    search_term = input("Enter partial movie title: ")
    return database.search_movies(search_term)

We've got very good use out of our print_movie_list() function! That's a good sign that we've done something right.

Excellent job!